"What happens doesnt matter -  How you react, Does!"


Q: Why is Alchemy life coaching any different than the rest?

A: All coaches and counselors have their own style. All of them have their benefits. Some work on the mind, some work with the heart. Alchemy life coaching works not only with those two, but the spirit or soul as well. This is holistic life coaching. My style of coaching not only gives you tools to discover yourself but also tools to discover your environment and how to connect with it and share in the magic of what is around you. Alchemy is about understanding the magic of transformation and teaching you how to use these tools in your pursuit of your dreams.


Q: How is this different from Counseling?

A: My focus is to assist clients to discover their own gifts, provide them with tools to transform obstacles and blocks into stepping stones that will allow them to proceed towards their goals and dreams. I will create with them, forward momentum through the achievement of understanding and embracing their own inner gifts and purpose. Coaching works more with interaction and challenge, moving the client forward from the present towards their goals rather than spending too much time analyzing the past.


Q: I have been having counseling, why would coaching be different or better?

A:I can only answer that based on what clients have said in comparing the two. Many clients have said to me that they have gotten more out of two sessions of coaching than they have in months of counseling because coaching is more interactive and provides useful tools that a client can use themselves on a daily basis.


Q: How do I get started?

A: Simply call me for a complimentary assessment of your requirements.


Q:How many sessions would I need?

A:I treat every client as an individual  so this will depend upon your needs. A rule of thumb would be 6 sessions initially , usually once a week , each session being around one hour. It usually takes this long  to progress to a state of self help and after that I offer maintenance programs tailored to suit your requirements.


Q:How effective are telephone sessions?

A: My experience has shown me that telephone session are as effective as face to face and this can be combined with online sessions as well. This is a particularly good method for follow up or maintenance coaching and very convenient.