"The greatest gift to another is the purity of your attention"


Holistic life coaching is about you, right now, in the present moment!

  • What are your dreams? Your heart’s yearnings?

  • How are you going to achieve and sustain those dreams

  • What are your obstacles and how are you going to transform them into stepping stones?

  • What are the tools of magic that are already within you?

  • What is going on around you? The subtle things, the sub text in the spaces around the things and people you have drawn into your life?

  • Do you really know your environment? Have you discovered the gifts in whatever situations surround you right now?

  • What have you pulled from the past into this moment? Does it serve you and enhance your dream?

  • What can you do with the things that no longer serve you?

  • Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, you are making a difference right now!



In Holistic life coaching we look at your story from your heart space.

You are the author and can change and direct it. I will support and encourage you

on your journey to transform the mundane into the Magical